The pre-medical/Science Foundation Programme is designed to be an intensive coaching curriculum that aims at preparing senior secondary, school graduates for University education.
With the introduction of JAMB system into Nigerian universities, admission became centralized and very competitive. Many applicants who are also within the catchment area of universities, cannot gain admission into the university. It is as a result of this background that the pre-degree programme is amounted to remedy difficulties and deficiencies of applicants and also prepare such applicants for university programmes. The pre-degree platform also equips prospective students with the capacity to undergo university programmes.

The objectives of the Pre-Medical/Science Foundation Programme are to
Source superior students for the university's degree programmes and stem the high rate of dropouts from the University;
Ensure adequate preparation of eligible secondary school graduates for university work;
Enhance analytical and independent learning abilities and promote the intellectual development as well as oral and writing skills of the students.
In line with the University’s vision and objective, it is believed that the Pre-Medical and Science Foundation programme will promote individual development, good study culture and remedy the deficiencies carried over from the secondary school in order to successfully undertake a university programme.
Applicants for admission into the Programme are expected to have aminimum of five O' Level credits at one or two sittings, including English Language; credits in Mathematics and three other Sciencesubjects. Eligible candidates are selected for admission through an entrance examination.
The Programme normally runs for two (2) semesters both within Nine (9) calendar months. The end of the Programme usually precedes the beginning of the university academic session. Closures in the university do not affect the Programme.