Prof. Paingha Joe Alagoa
Prof. Paingha Joe Alagoa DEPUTY VICE

Prof. Paingha Joe Alagoa

Deputy Vice Chancellor

Professor Paingha Joe Alagoa, B.MedSc, MB BS, FMCS, FICS, is a Professor of Surgery. He is a fellow of the National Postgraduate Medical College and the International College of Surgeons. He has a passion for Breast and Gastrointestinal Surgery. He attended Government Comprehensive Secondary School, Port Harcourt between 1976 and 1981.

He then proceeded to the University of Port Harcourt in 1982 through the Basic studies programme to study Medicine graduating in 1990 after obtaining the Bachelor of Medical Sciences (B.Med. sc) degree in Pharmacology in 1987 and the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree in 1990.

He undertook his residency training in Surgery after his National Youth service at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital specializing in General Surgery with the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria in 2006, obtaining the Fellowship of the Medical College in Surgery (FMCS). He was later awarded the Fellowship of the International College of Surgeons (FICS) in 2010. During his period of residency training, He served in various committees at the Hospital. He was the Administrative Chief Resident in the Department of Surgery. He has several original research papers published and also presented papers in both local and International Medical Journals and conferences.

He was appointed Professor of Surgery in 2014 at the Niger Delta University. He also served as a Honourary Consultant in General surgery at the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, Okolobiri. He served as Head of Department of Surgery between 2013 and 2015 and also acted as Head of Department of Otorhinolaryngology until recently. He is a member of several Professional bodies including the International College of Surgeons in which he serves as a member of Council (Nigerian Section). He is an editor of the Niger Delta Medical Journal. He is married to Nkemdirim and the marriage is blessed with four children.


Bayelsa Medical University
P.M.B. 178, Yenagoa,
Bayelsa State, NG.

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Bayelsa Medical University (BMU) is dedicated to promoting excellence and leadership in medical science through education, research and provision of healthcare that will advance the mental, physical and emotional well-being of people all over the world


BMU is a specialised medical university established to raise crops of professionally competent personnel in the multi-disciplinary study of medicine and allied medical sciences that are capable of identifying health needs and challenges of society and proffering solutions to such issues for the well-being of mankind..
